Sep 25Liked by Dee Rambeau

Hah! This is grand Dee ! And, just like Ann, I would have been chuckling at you.

I think men’s mind work more like this than women’s minds do…🫣 about the specific efficiency of trash can placement factor..in this case 🤭.. no but seriously, I think men ( at least my dad and all three of my brothers) interact with the world “efficiently”, seeing what is, and wanting to improve the flow. Women, on the other hand, would be more likely be thinking about what they have planned for the day, or what errands they need to do after the walk, or perhaps even just noticing neighbors gardens… (see how MY mind wanders..🤣🤣🤪)

Does this make sense? Or am I barking up the wrong trash can?

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I’d agree Teyani. She giggles at me quite frequently when I go jnto one of my “I wonder how that thing works…can you imagine that someone thought of that?”

She just goes “hmmm…never thought about that.”


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Sep 25Liked by Dee Rambeau

I love picking up trash while walking through my local neighborhood. Feels good, I don't know why...

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Sep 24Liked by Dee Rambeau

This brings to mind a conversation I had with my father recently. He and I have always been detail-oriented and, like you, I am surprised at the number of people who are not. I brought this up and my father said that being aware of details was not a common trait in his opinion and I had to agree. Your observation about the garbage cans still surprises me though - I think most people in my neighborhood get it right, but admittedly I haven’t done a detailed survey like you have…

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Still makes laugh at myself. I couldn’t actually give a rat’s ass most days but boy oh boy that morning 😳

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I'm sure that the average resident who missed these instructions will never learn, because they will have suffered no repercussions from their laziness. Sometimes the hard knock is required to learn anything.

But this raises a parallel example of futility... At my gym there are dozens of signs plastered around the place where some exasperated (but invisible) staffer is hectoring/pleading with people to *not* do certain things (NO DUMBELLS BY THE BIG MIRRORS) or to *do* certain things (PLEASE RERACK YOUR WEIGHTS). It made me wonder if there was any evidence that pasting all those signs everywhere did anything to change behavior...

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Reminds me of a song: “sign, sign, everywhere a sign. Blocking my scenery breaking my mind.”


On the public beaches in California there are these massive “NO” signs everywhere.

No camping, sleeping, fires, pets, glass, motor vehicles, sex, fun, rock ‘n roll 🤣

As if…

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Like Christopher, I needed this read today Dee! We don’t think of our minds as being our worst enemies, but if you don’t control it. It will control you.

In regards to the trash cans. Here in my community if you don’t turn your trashcan in a way they won’t pick it up. So you learn the hard way.

Bless you Dee! 🥰🥰🥰

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I wish our trash guys would do that. Just leave half of em full one week. That would teach my ingrate neighbors 🤣

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Well, one way to look at it is the garbage workers have more hours and it’s created more jobs for your community. You can’t argue success! 😂

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Makes sense ☺️

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Same monkey mind stuff in my head, with probably a similar recovery environment….

But I go into a hard-ass take on responsibility - an individual is responsible for their own behaviour, for their own feelings, for their own perceptions, for turning their own garbage cans in the right direction.

As long as there is even one person who absolves them of their responsibility, they can abdicate ad infinitum.

So…..Have they been helped .. hindered .. educated .. enlightened.. by not owning their responsibility to the matter?

But my real takeaway from the story is more serious: how in hell do dogs make that much urine on one walk? Bc they do! It’s very strange! 😹😹

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🤣it is truly a wonder

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If something needs doing….it ! My others advice 👍

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Thanks. I needed to read this today

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Love this. If any one thing fuels my drinking, it’s a brain that never stops.

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and your brain never stops my friend!

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