I was never a Dan Fan because their music seemed too nice — must more because I never really listened to the music or the lyrics. Thanks for introducing me to the nuance behind all of those subtle earworms. Great piece Dee!

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No FREAKIN WAY!! I was the one that LOVED Steely Dan. I could not understand how everyone missed it - they were so cool!! I had all the albums - and you are right up until Aja it was MY GUYS! Not theirs MINE!!


That is an AMAZING thing - 14 years! Bravo

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OK I’ll share 🙄

Thanks Pamela! I really appreciate the fun and kind words.

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It has been about 21 years here - I was definitely a Speed freak- it started with black beauties ....and when I first found “crank” I knew it was MINE. I finally found the energy!! I felt SO much all at once. And yes they definitely lived it. They were my guys - until I found more Pink Floyd. They have ended up as my all time favorite. Steely Dan Will always be College. The bookstore where I bought their first album in a marked down bin. The other was Dan Fogelberg in the same bin. His first I believe with his self portrait on the cover. He was the chill down album when you knew you HAD to sleep.

Crank was such a bitch. Even though you knew you were buzzing, bing bing bing ricochet rabbit, you still want another line - that disgusting taste that eventually you learn to like. Yes it starts with giving you the best feeling you have ever had - and you chased that bitch until you quit or til you die. The one and only think about it was the end meant sleep for days. Unlike the pain of other addictions, the withdrawal was mental. Down does not even describe how low you feel. Like you are the greasy gun stuck to the bottom of someone’s shoe. You can not imagine that kind of low.

I say Happy Birthday because it is. Rebirth of YOU. It is a day to celebrate!!! 🤙 ✌🏻 Enjoy every minute of freedom from IT.

🥂- apple juice on the house!!

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I’m so grateful you shared this Pamela. What a story. Sometimes we read other’s work on Substack and we hear our own stories being told. I now know why my essay resonated so much with you. Wow! Congrats on 21 years clean. Amazing.

I too loved Dan Fogelberg. His album Netherlands was why I moved to Colorado. ❤️

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Excellent- maybe we all read things that are familiar…? I was so unhappy that I thought the energy I got from crank would somehow make me happy HA!

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I don’t know anything about drugs, but I love tge songs and they have deeper spiritual meaning for me. Especially Time out of Mind.

Thank you for sharing your knowledge with me! Very enlightening! ✨💫💖

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“Steely Dan—named for a steam-powered sex toy in William Burroughs “Naked Lunch.”

This I did not know!!!!

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Dee, I'm one of those folks who discovered a love for Steely Dan by way of Aja. For me, it was Deacon Blues on the radio some time in the mid 90s. The idea of dying behind the wheel didn't really appeal to me as such, but I had more than enough Bukowski and punk rock nihilism in me to instantly connect and feel the appeal.

Years later, I discovered how hard they worked on the Aja album, learned about how the songs were written, and fell in love with their entire (early) body of work.

I'm also 14 years sober, for what it's worth!

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It’s worth a lot my friend. Congrats! I’ve analyzed my love for the Dan relentlessly and got as close as I could in this essay. Thanks for weighing in. 🙏

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It was a good read. I think complex bands come with complex reasons why we like them.

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You guys got me by a year: just celebrated 13 years 9/24

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Happy Birthday!!! 🎉🎁🎂

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So interesting to consider addiction and creation from this angle, Dee.

I have no firsthand experience with meth or its widely prescribed cousins outside of working in addiction treatment centres and meeting young people addicted to drugs they were prescribed by MDs, but you might find this article on speed interesting: https://enchantedfamillymedicine.substack.com/p/amphetamine-deficiency-disorder

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“Apparently we have learned nothing, or at least nothing we can apply thorugh deductive reasoning to other medical/legal/societal situations. Overtreatment of pain with addictive drugs created millions of people addicted to opiates. And we are now creating a similar Adderall to meth pipeline.”

Thanks for the pointer to this important article Dana. I can’t even...

Part of the reason I write about drug abuse with a cultural hook like music and entertainment is likely because it’s too painful to write about the truth and only the truth: our health care, psychiatric care, and pharmaceutical industries are drug dealers, plain and simple.

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I know. Sigh...

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Hey, enjoyed the latest - never a huge SD fan but I may end up one ✌️

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Thanks John. I sure appreciate you reading it.

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