I love this! Might be my fav piece from you.

My kids often comment, “Mom, why do you feel the need to talk to strangers all the time?” I usually say something like, “because you never know what kind of day they are having. It helps to know we’re all trying to get on together.”

They may roll their eyes, but I know they appreciate this about me.

I do believe we are all walking around in these meat suits here to teach one another. Thanks for reminding us of the lessons we can find when we show up to others.

We all just want to be seen. That desire is universal and looks the same inside all of us.

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Thank you Allison. I’m always blown away by how a simple essay from my heart can touch others. I’m glad you’re out there touching others with your words. I can see your kids: “oh mom” 🙄

I love it!

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Jun 22·edited Jun 22Liked by Dee Rambeau

Sometimes moments with strangers are the best. There's no past history, I like that. A clean slate if you will. Great stuff Dee. Your heart comes through in your writing.

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Thank you Chris. I appreciate you reading 🙏

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This is so wonderful! I can relate to it as well! I am someone who will talk to just about anyone, and I can confirm that it has given me an interesting and different perspective about people that I otherwise would not possess.

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Thanks for letting me know I’m not the only one ☺️ I appreciate you comment.

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Resting bitch face meets thousand yard stare. Another great song and top hit from Dee.

Love this my friend!!

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😂match made in heaven Kristin. Thanks for being here.

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.. just yesterday wuz reflecting a variation on this via Facebook - as an orphaned young student with an almost feral - acquired habit of ‘reading yet another new ‘educator during Primary & Secondary Schools

Will float this out there ‘gently to you & commenters - that from my experience & perspectives ‘God has nothing to do with our ‘day to day - ways of being.. & interactions. Oddly too - I was ‘measured to some extent by my big sister 3 years ahead of me, then was 4 years behind after i was failed in Grade 6 - I crushed any ‘expectations of being ‘cut from the same cloth scholastically haha.. Where she excelled - I failed & miserably .. by Grade 7 my ‘rep’ preceded me & .. many of the adult ‘educators - whether ‘Lay Teachers & Ordained Teachers ‘with God on Their Side introduced me to ‘Conundrum

We both know @coleman has a vast & energetic audience - & I mentioned the obvious Conundrum while commenting recently - What happens during Conflict - when both ‘adversaries ‘have God On Their Side ? What happens when there is ‘No Conflict’ so to speak due to one ‘party simply crushing or assaulting the ‘other helpless party ?

I’ve adopted a phrase - ‘Situational Ethics’ for good reason - It’s simply undeniable in our current North American ‘Political Parties & Governance’ - its proliferates within Policing & Military and most certainly within innumerable Organized Religions & other ‘Vested Interest Groups

Despite my hard earned perspectives - Count me ASTONISHED upon seeing someone defend a current Pastor of a Church he ‘Found’ (?) & now with a ‘Congregation of 100,000 & broadcasting into 190 Countries. His Sexual Assault of a 12 year old female child - is currently ‘defended as ‘just a data point..’ in the pursuit of Holiness ? .. Pardon Me !

If anyone wishes to understand ‘being just a data point’ - just drop such ‘Men of God or their Following in the ‘general Prison Population & observe the inevitable ‘Statistical Reality thereof !

& Surely the malignant reality of Donald Trump ET AL INC vis a vis The Ten Commandments illuminates a bizarro Conundrum staring USA citizenry & the rest of the world right between the eyes

Does God have Double Standards ? Wishy washy re ‘certain things.. ? Situational Ethics ?

I like to think or feel that I’m highly approachable & truly comfortable ‘engaging at street level or almost anywhere I dare to go ‘within the Family of Man. My respect for ‘the Courage of Missionaries is tempered Only by ‘Their Mission’

I believe this Post exemplifies ‘character & ‘redemption - no mistake ! & intend to give it further thought for good reason.. as the ‘human condition’ is my ‘Field of Endeavour ! & I come fully armed with outlandish Levels of childlike Curiosity .. amen !

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Heckuva comment my friend. Wowzers.

I appreciate you weighing in so passionately—and to the point of my essay—all perspectives welcome, including those I might personally disagree with. Living is learning. Loving thy neighbor is difficult.

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am just another passenger aboard ‘spaceship earth Dee.. & last i looked ain’t no ‘lifeboat to a promised land.. The simple ethic i believe in so passionately is ‘Live Life - Play Fair’

I take great delight in my ‘joint discovery here - of you & Coleman for excellent reasons !

Yes there are other delightful ‘finds here - and no ‘algorithm has a hand in how i track down passionate Exemplars in the Fields of Altruism .. always a big grin here as the North & South Poles of Altruism transmit via completely different Codes, Backgrounds & Amplitude - you’re quite a pair in my view ! 🦎🏴‍☠️🇨🇦

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Thank you brother. Spaceship Earth 💪🏻💥

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I became a talker after my 20 marriage ended. An awful lot of people had told me during that marriage that I was so different when He was around (the ex-not a friendly sort)

After I finally pulled myself out of the marriage, I remembered who I once was. I easily talked to people I did not know. The grocery store checkout land was the easiest. Everyone was tired, looking everywhere but at each other. Once you strike a conversation up with one, a few others will often put in their two cents. I have enjoyed some of those conversations more than I can say!

The feeling of getting and returning a smile from one who looks like they needed one. I find I needed one even more.

Thanks for the memories of returning to myself. 🕊️✌🏻

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I’m so glad my essay touched you Pamela. Blessings to you—and to those grocery checkout lines—pure gold 🙏

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I love your heart and love the way you see people and honor their being-ness. You bring out beauty in people. They are allowed to shine because of you.

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Thank you so much for the kind words Viola. 🙏

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Great article, Dee. You’ve done a much needed service here in taking us on the journey from our built-in biases and criticisms, even our contempt for others, to the understanding that we are not separate from each other.

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Thank you Heidi. It is daily work. It helps to write about it to keep it front and center 🙏

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Thank you, Dee. That’s where it needs to be.:)

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well done friend!

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Thanks Ric!!

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Dee, what a fantastic essay! It reminds me of the quote: “I am a human being, and thus nothing human is alien to me.” -Terence

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Thank you so much Priya. I love this quote 🙏

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Danged Dee - you absolutely CRUSHED this one. A powerful statement that should resonate with anyone who possess a soul; wise words, and spoken very well.

Thanks, brother! *Salute

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Stone—you always validate me with your attention to my writing and your wonderful support. Thank you brother 💪🏻

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Wow. I am so glad I read this. At first I saw the title and headline (wasn't familiar with the song) and immediately started laughing and clicked. Then... whoa. Yeah. Yes to all of this. And you are correct. there is nothing harder than loving our neighbor as ourselves -- especially because most of us dont even know how tf to love ourselves. its a real knife fight out there, but we shall prevail.

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We shall continue and we shall persevere and we shall learn and we shall grow. 🙏

Thank you Tess—I’m grateful you clicked through.

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I have been thinking a lot about community care recently. It seems to me this noticing and responding to the noticing is a great first step. Also I want to help you and the green haired gal smash those automatic checkouts.

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😂😂right? Thanks Amy 🙏

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During the height of the early George Floyd riots in blue states/blue cities and DEI entered our language, Rev. Tony Evans put out a brief YouTube video in which he explained how we are all created in the image of God (Imageo Deo). He indicated that the first point of recognition we have with our fellow “man/woman” is an eye-check whereby we acknowledge their humanity. As a police Detective, I checked down a laundry list of risk/safety steps, dependent upon many subjective standards. Then, we knew the graduated steps that all cops should progress through: mere hunch, articulable suspicion, probable cause to arrest, arrest, magisterial appearance then the Courts. I swear I have wasted hundreds of hours, mostly at night, using binoculars from a great distance, watching “suspicious” people/cars…than never went beyond mere hunch. Did I violate any laws? Those surveillance never knew it.

Today, I strive to take the “Image of God” approach, try to give the eye contact nod when walking into a business or a church, a box store or Home Depot. Rev. Tony Evans, at the Promise Keepers at the Mall preaching as well as one his reminder that I and Tony were created in the Image of God has brought me back to where I belong.

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Wow what a perspective Phil. Thanks so much for sharing. I can’t imagine how tough it has been to unwind all that law enforcement experience of “suspicious people” and try to touch their humanity. Amazing share—thanks so much.

Id say without hesitation that if you can do it—we all can 🙏

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Damn, I've caught myself doing this a zillion times. It's abhorrent and I strive to do better. I love that you chat with strangers and get their story. I work very hard to make eye contact and smile, especially to folks who don't appear to be walking their path with confidence (or security, or food in their belly, or any other thing). This is the best reminder, thank you Dee.

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Donna I so appreciate you weighting in. Don’t you think we feel it in the body and the soul when we do react with judgment like that? How many clients have you worked with in your practice who are all bound up from this type of fear and anxiety?

I think the conversations help me clear my meridians. 🤷🏻‍♂️🙏

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Humanity on display--no question. Glad to know you a bit more and again my thanks. ~ Mary

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Blessings Mary 🙏

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