This is brilliant, Dee. I wrote about being aware of your feet recently too, but while you took your piece to Eckhart Tolle and Zen mindfulness, I took mine more towards Carrie Bradshaw and high heels 🤣. Yours might be a little more instructive. 😊🙏

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Thanks Michelle. I didn’t read yours—maybe it was the Carrie Bradshaw title 😂

I promise to read it.

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No pressure, Dee. 🤣

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None felt—although I have too many great authors to read ☺️ such a dilemma.

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I’m glad someone else battles their batshit crazy monkey mind in recovery (speaking of which I need to pee).

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Sep 10·edited Sep 10Liked by Dee Rambeau

During my day job epoch, I developed a loathing for walking into my boss’s office and talking to his back as he typed out email messages. So I started going to work as early as 4 am so when my colleagues arrived at 8:30 and needed to talk to me, I could look them in the eye and listen to them. It seemed so obvious once I started doing it. We were all trying to catch up, always, and most of us traveled extensively and anything but lavishly, which meant near constant jet lag and no end of gut indignities. I sensed they needed my mind to be pretty much where my body was, so that’s what they got.

Mindfulness is mostly about being exactly where you are. You hit it dead on.

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Thank you friend. I’ve tried those type of tactics in the past as well.

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Sep 15Liked by Dee Rambeau

Dude. You’re speaking my language! Nice work.

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Hope to see you soon my friend. We landed back in Wimbo last night 🙏

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Sep 11Liked by Dee Rambeau

Fancy keyboard, Dee!

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Very well said my friend. Yesterday I said I was going to see about buying a Motorola pager and throwing away my phone 😂

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☺️let me know. I’d be curious. I’ve thought about the same. 🙏

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I am thissss close, but worry about the lack of pay phones, how I would pay for a call and I only have a few numbers memorized nowadays..

Sorry damn I got distracted again.

I’ll keep you posted 📟 😂

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Sep 9Liked by Dee Rambeau

Love this Dee. One of the teachers (Eckhart Tolle Or Thich Nhat Hahn or someone like that) had us “breath through our feet” in order to calm the body. (I’m serious here! try it, you’ll laugh because it works.) I’m of the mind to say, whatever works. 🐾

My monkey mind is similar to yours (except for the kissing Ann goodbye of course)

Being present is awesome. And I love what you do if someone is looking at their phone while you’re talking. If a client does that during session I pause my speaking and just wait until they look up, then I ask if it’s a child needing them, if so, fine. Otherwise I gently remind them that they’re paying for my time. That usually does it. 🤣

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I love that Teyani!!

In other words—unless your child is choking to death you need to pay attention cuz you’re paying me 😂😂

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Precisely! 🤭🤣🤣

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Thanks for this!

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Thank you Eunice 🙏

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I most definitely give a shit about what you write. I love "keep your mind where your feet are" and I am also a fan of Zen Habits. I haven't checked it out recently so appreciate the reminder.

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awww thank you Donna. I feel very heard when you engage. I appreciate you so much.


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i call them ‘self installed mental tools’ Dee & they ‘help accomplish different useful results. My big sister is a bear re ‘checklists as well as ‘best practices ! One that i self installed is ‘Listening to & Hearing’ people’s Entire part of a Statement or Belief, Conversation or Discussion or even Argument. Another is ‘without fail - always check my blind spot when Driving & even as a passenger .. Some may call these ‘Commitments ! I have many re operating vehicles & when that ‘self installed tool or rule’ saves my ass it gets even more ‘hard wired’

The idea that you’re bringing up - reminds how getting two people to say something different into each ear - Resembles - ‘hearing what someone is ‘saying - while forming your own response / idea - haha ! That may include Interruption ! Even Disagreement ! Reading or viewing something via cel phone during a ‘face to face conversation is Plain Old Bad Manners - Yes.. there’s obvious exceptions such a yakking while watching sports on TV.. or gardening & we should ‘watch traffic while conversing on a sidewalk ..

What could be wrong with hearing someone out - thoroughly & actually turning that around in your head & thinking it over .. considering its value or importance or even the humour of it ? Yes, they may decide to chip in more .. but what’s wrong with that either ? You can add that additional info to the original

Here’s an ‘expensive anecdote re a great pal who obviously wasn’t really listening to what I tossed into an important conversation while he was driving Dee ! He didn’t believe my amateur opinion re lack of nearby Parking for the high risk Retail Property he was considering developing & missed the clear WARNING i interjected re police were catching drivers rolling the upcoming Stop Sign.

I’d biked to his place & seen the cop had someone pulled over 10 or 15 minutes earlier ! Since he was driving - I thought it a truly useful & timely blunt warning, but he rolled it anyway & distinctly was looking at his cel phone while accelerating over the speed limit without his seat belt on .. all this as he passed the nice Police Officer behind the street light pole .. WoWser ! 4 Moving Violations & add to that his Insurance Rate ! Coulda Woulda Shoulda ..

Yes he missed his Meeting & lost the Deal .. But there was an Upside as the Property has an underlying Soil Issue it seems - Limiting most Commercial Development .. so he didn’t ‘lose his shirt !

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😂a silver lining in every cloud

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