ahhhh Betty Ford in the winter. What fond memories; shorts & flip flops in Feb every day :)

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Indeed—pink clouds every day 😂

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Loved it! I’m going to remember this essay when I walk past the neighborhood woodpeckers.

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I hope your neighbors are sober—or you might see them out in the yard in their jammies with a pellet gun 😂☺️

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.. lucky you .. yes there’s a whole lotta good - life happenstance - behind that birdwatching smile ..

Stonehenge was more or less - ‘for you as a successful juvie addict that got busted way hard for being too fucked up for their own good & all of a sudden was prison time or this potential Free Pass to a ‘Farm & you can get in if you’re voted in.. ONLY .. it was an emotional war zone.. we even had one ‘permanent guest .. hadn’t thought of him in years.. ya.. he’s one of ‘the birds.. haha .. put a smile on my face ! Thanks !

You made it too far .. you describe those times well - and you made ‘the bigs too - the big time Events / Broadcasting ! The advantage you had was prior having a ton of Life experience that was also pretty damn cool .. & later - the recovery - & too much of you wanted to get back to that sense & groove & .. has refused to fail ! succeeded .. those kids were probably like I say.. very much like you.. these kids had good, even great families & lives - their families tracked Stonehenge down..

You got ‘back to where you wanted needed to be.. ‘had the parts - as we would say..

So that will always put a smile on me .. same re Patrick Brazeau .. I thought he was a complete loser .. & he was ! But I caught his comeback real early & he had my 100% support .. you should see him with his kids .. man o man .. he is one rockin dude .. another smile just knowing him ! haha !

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Thanks Thomas. I’m really glad to hear about Patrick. 🙏

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Patrick is Four Years - In Recovery ..

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"Fuck you very much. I'm better now " 😂

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Appropriate at the time 🤷🏻‍♂️😂

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“I am free. I am a survivor” - 5 very important words to live by !

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Awesome view of the now beautiful morning. Glad you stuck around and chose to be sober. 💞

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Me too Teyani. Morning is my favorite time of day now 🙏❤️

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I absolutely love this. Did not know it was National Recovery Month either. Funny you had an experience with the magpie. One of my best friends in recovery, who we did lose a number of years back, we used to laugh so hard together she'd say we reminded her of magpies because of how we sounded. It reminded me of her lol. Thank you for sharing this.

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I’m sorry for your loss 😓

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Thanks for reading my friend. I can only imagine human voices like a magpie. 😳

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I enjoyed this immensely. Thank you for your openness and authenticity.

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Thank you Richard 🙏

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