As a kid who went to 3 different high schools in 3 different states and then went on to move 8 or 9 times before settling for the last decade, I still struggle with the urge to go. The dream of a new place. At the same time, this whole staying in one place thing is an interesting experiment.

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The longest time I had a permanent residence was a house I inherited, yet for much of those 33 years I was travelling the entire UK on business. Not even Planet Earth stays in one place. Peace, Maurice

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Yeah. It is 😉

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Dee!! This could have been been written by either of my sons. Even the way Sports was there entry ticket it seemed every 2 years it was another city, state, zip code. For my sons it was a new home, new school, new teacher and new friends. They were used to it by the last move.

For me it was New and exciting. I was seeing the country and no longer stuck in the tiny little town where I was raised. Rarely leaving the state. I had the bug - I wanted to move to see what an apartment was like, what a bigger city was like. When the boys got a bit older it hit me - how well they adapted to it all. How they did it without complaining.

I think for us it was a fresh new place, a chance to do or be something else.

I really enjoyed your thoughts on this process.

Thank you again for a wonderful look at how things we do have tentacles-it is not just ME anymore when I move. It has an effect on everyone around you. ☀️✌🏻

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Do you know Lee Marvin's song in the film Cat Balou ? A rendition of Confucius on travel. I rest my hat..... Peace, Maurice

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That was my favorite movie as a young kid! I am trying to remember that song - Kid Shaleen & the Ballad of CB are the two I remember but not the one you mentioned…

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Wandering Star......

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Gotcha! Great song! I was a wanderer but stalled in AZ but I think I’m here for a while!

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Amazing how our posts overlap this week!

I see a person who has made astounding personal gains and growth, those of the type rarely seen in everyday life. That you are preparing to get married and are settling mostly into one place, sinking roots into it, shows the shift in your heart and soul which bear witness to the inside work you've done.

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Thank you so much for seeing that Donna. ❤️

The overlap is only amazing if you believe in circumstances. I believe in something more 🙏

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So much more!!

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Like this one Dee. Simple and to the point, but profound in many ways. I knew a lot of ‘Army brats’ in grade school and high school. The thought of packing everything up and moving across the country horrified me. A lot because I was a skinny little insecure adolescent. I knew the flip side, which was the kids you liked suddenly uprooting with very little notice and leaving, and inside I grappled with why did they have to leave? Was it a good or bad reason? Why did my fifth grade crush Kim Zucker have to move to San Francisco? I will never know but I wondered for years what it would be like to cross paths with her again. I also remember when a new guy would show up in our class and all the girls thought he was cute and talked about him. I don’t recall getting any of that attention until I won the school spelling bee. I guess I’m super glad there was no social media back then. Real life could be traumatic enough.

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Truedat Ken. Thank God we had no social media.

I never thought about the other side of it. What did my friends think when I up and moved? And what did they think of the new kid? I was too worried about my own shit to think about them. 🤷🏻‍♂️

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From my fathers death when I was 5 to joining the army at 17, my mother, looking for the greener grass, moved us11 times. The army moved me as many in 52 months. My Mum continued her annual shift. I have never known a sense of place, a permanent home, nor have I felt any real need of such. Maybe it's my Autism and childhood PTSD, yet I am thankful for the endless adventures that continue yet awhile. I am content with a base from which I cover Europe, and return to regularly. I can write my Stacks and post anywhere, and therein lies my Peace. Maurice.

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So much of who you are today was installed in those adventures and traumas. Thanks for sharing Maurice. It sounds like you’ve found gratitude in the journey 🙏

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