It remains remarkable to me that I never thought of myself as having a drinking problem and am not even sure that the pattern recognition in my own past is related to drinking, yet so much of sobriety literature resonates with me. In particular, your discussion of situational awareness.

I don't think anyone likes being called out, and loved ones do have some responsibility to not make that the only kind of communication there is. But that ability to pause and listen -- even to predict -- is really valuable. Love this one: "Data: I’m really uncomfortable for whatever reason. Not sure what it is or where it came from…but there it is. I want to haul ass out of here. I want to be anywhere but here, feeling anything but what I feel. What could possibly go wrong? A lot."

And yet sometimes your gut is telling you the truth, and you do need to get the hell out of there. How to tell the difference?

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Thanks for reading—I’m glad part of it touched you Josh. To answer your question obtusely—I only know for me and you know for you. Is it legitimate fear? Is it simply discomfort born of our own issues? Is there real danger?

Only you will know—but as we know Awareness is the critical first step.

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Any major dude will tell you, indeed- Fagen and Becker told me plenty, and I still listen...

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Yeah this is all new to me as I'm a new substack reader so it's good you repost. The thing that got was the immediate rush to defensiveness before a word is spoken. How many years have I been working on that, knowing it's there and still walking headlong into it. Man, the blinding obvious is just a reminder of how blind you can be.

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Thank for reading Drew. Awareness is the first step, right?

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Absolutely. It’s just keeping that awareness, isn’t it.

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Sep 7Liked by Dee Rambeau

What a deeply thoughtful, beautiful post Dee. The ability to pause, and think before response is something I usually can do… and ? There are certain people who have the uncanny ability to shoot me from 0 to 100. (Ahem.. oldest sibling.. )

I think that it’s powerful to remain in that listening space, and many kudos to you for being able to❣️

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Constant work in progress Teyani. Thanks as always for reading my words. 🙏🙏

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.. ‘KISS & ‘Po.. there hard-charger.. You’re just part of a vast spectrum & most certainly - not a Healthcare Professional - nor am I

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Perhaps not—but Donald Fagen might be. 😂

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.. no, I really don’t think so Dee.. a brilliant musician ? Of course ! Like so many - ‘with the ‘means & the environment - he had a shit ton of ‘experience with a variety of ‘drugs & drug abuse.

If you have an ‘low opinion regarding the DSM-4 & 5 - well Amen - but for General Practitioners or Emergency Clinicians et al - dealing with every Malady Under the Sun - then ‘Best Practice is ‘having an effective ‘starting Point.. and effective questions that need ‘asking & response.. that gets ‘triage underway & ideally some ‘History

Despite ‘All My Experience Dee .. in the overall ‘Scope of Drug Rehab - in the Field or Producing Accredited CME - i was just a guy - pointed to ‘the dike & told which Leak my Thumb must be inserted into .. There were Layers of people above me & for good reason & I found no reason to ‘overthink .. accordingly ..

I still enjoy a nice or even glowing ‘buzz when the situation accommodates - but my particular metabolism reacts very badly to ‘loss of equilibrium - or reasonably ‘rational thought. No need to ‘try & think about it rationally or irrationally.. it tells me - in no uncertain terms ‘you’re going to be stupid & helpless ‘sucker ! 🦎🏴‍☠️

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All good. Not sure why you’re fired up on the “sober is better” topic but so be it. Your experience is your own. I’m an expert in one area only—my life.

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.. thought it was clear Dee .. am always fired up about ‘the human condition

The ‘Upside of Down .. You write about an aspect of your life where you were not exactly ‘expert - amen ! (the Downside) but this is you (Upside !) The ‘here & now..

I sent & send you a mild ‘poke in the best of spirits too - ‘KISS & ‘PO

wish i myself was better at ‘keep it simple - stupid’

& Let ‘time’ into the equation / problem solving - Edward de Bono


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Happy Saturday 🫡💪🏻

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You are right Dee - this is so good I'm glad you shared it again! I can appreciate the miracle taking place when any of us get up from an agitating conversation and give our reaction time a little space before opening our mouth.

This essay was timely as I've been thinking and writing about aligning with our inner truth which involves analyzing our own data and adjusting accordingly. Personal pattern recognition is a vital part to wholehearted living and, even if we don't like what we see, it's much more effective to do it when we are sober.

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Aww thanks Donna. You’re the most intuitive reader a writer could ever want. You actually read and interpret and reframe into your own experience—I appreciate you so much. 🙏❤️

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Thanks buddy!

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